Jul 11, 2009


Perfect World
By: Needle Heart Uchia

It seems to be that this thing will be impossible but there is one person who believe that we can change the world if we start the change inside of us and start spreading the news that we are one no matter what our race is, religion, and color. I know that this man that we idolize since then ( May he see the kingdom of heaven perfectly and may he rest in his paradise)do believe that we can change this world a better place to live to.

Honestly, I do really agree with him because even though we are different in colors, races, and beliefs but still we are one in the eyes of our creator. In addition with this, we are just equally rich in our creator's hands; however this time people nowadays are segregating themselves to other people. Somewhat some may agree some are not but let us face the truth that is happening to our world today. For example in the Philippines, though they are one in color and tradition but still there is discrimination. I am giving this country as my example because I know that there are a lot of Filipinos are being discriminated every single day of their living. I know that there's also a discrimination in different parts of the world but why do people always discriminate their fellow humans?

Another thing is why do people do not stop fighting I mean why they do not end wars? I think they just keep on thinking this is for the honor of my country blah...blah...blah....What a freaking thinking! They don't realize that there are a lot of people die because of this non-stop war. Remembering the war between Iraq and the US (spearheaded by George W. Bush, Jr.), It was a great shame for them because I was like a simple argument that can be fix through Peace Talks; unfortunately , they still continue the stupid war. I do not think that they are not thinking of what will be the consequences for the innocent people including the children who are living during those wars.

The another problem is poverty and hunger. As we all know that there are a lot of countries have enough food for their daily living but in some countries they are striving to have a food in front of their table at least for one meal. Why this thing should happen? I know that some of us just throw their excess in a trash bin or even feed it to their pets(For some countries). In poverty, in some countries, we can see people who are living in makeshift houses near rivers or streams. It is kind a painful to see our brothers and sisters in Christ living in a nice house striving for living.

This is a great disaster for this world. The world is being devastated by the scrupulous people who does not know how to see peoples perfectness. Currently, my heart is broken of what is going on to our mother nation. I know there are some leaders striving for a perfect world but sometimes they broke is because of some decision that they should make as a leader. I hope that one day we can see a lot of us are one, instead of holding guns or any other arms, we just hold tools for building houses, making farms for food, and share the blessing that they got.

As of this moment, I keep asking myself, when this freaking people stop looking others physical defects or even emotional defects to other people? When this world will be perfect? When will other people realize that we are one? I am still dreaming for a perfect world for my children and for my children`s children. Like what the man that I am talking about in my first paragraph, " Heal the world MAKE IT a BETTER place for you and for me and the entire human race. There are PEOPLE DYING if YOU CARE ENOUGH for living. MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE for you and for me"


Jul 5, 2009

Darkness in the world...

A World Full of Wounds
by: Needle Heart Uchia

These days,I do notice a lot of things that make our world bleed. I do not know why this circumstances happen but I know that we are being made equally and most especially with uniqueness. I know this is kind a ironic for a young adult to write down this circumstance but I want to voice this thing out because I know this is not appropriate. I know that all of us people here are aliens because the world (I mean the earth) belongs to the creator (I know that some are non-believers) but that's the truth. Some of us are born to be Christians and some are born to be in other religion.

In addition, we are also made in different colors and races and different ethnicity. I know that in different parts of the world especially where I grew up and learn things, discrimination prevails. I do believe that here also where I am currently living, discrimination happens too. I do not still know why discrimination should happen. I know that there's seniority when it becomes to educational status inside school, and even in the workforce. My question is WHY STILL PEOPLE IN THIS WOUNDED EARTH DISCRIMINATE EACH OTHER? this is kind a freaking question but still I know a lot of them will still do this thing.

This question kept on bugging me for ages; Not just only ages, centuries for those people who live in captivity. For me this world is full of darkness and other negativities that I can see. I don't know when will this filthy things will stop. To tell you honestly my dear followers, I am also part of those people who are being discriminated. I am being discriminated because of my physique, some negativity in my emotions, and my ethnicity as I apply for a well-paying job. I know that I am just being true to myself but still people discriminates me. That's why this question keeps on prevailing on my mind. I know that there's people do accept me but still I do feel that I am being discriminated.

Currently my perception in this world is this world is full of wounds and darkness. Furthermore, I always think that this world will not be as perfect as before. Like what the King of Pop's song "Heal the World" he always pointed out that we should make this world a better place for the entire human race who live in this big ball and yet that thing did not happened because of discrimination, war, hunger, super superiority, and other negatives that I can see, hear, and perceive. In his song also "Man in the Mirror" He also point out that each of us should start the change within ourselves but I know some of us are close-minded when it becomes to change.

Right this moment I am still wondering when will this change will start. I hope that I can see the light of change so that the next generation will see that real world that is full of acceptance, no one will be hungry and most especiall the utopia that everyone wants to see. I hope that time will come.