Feb 27, 2009

Persuasive Thoughs...Unchained Memiors

Memoirs of a Young Lad
By: Needle heart Uchia

It's was November of mid-90's when this young lad was born. She was born in a small town near a lake where full of bounty fresh foods. She was so beautiful and adorable and that time her parents was so happy that their first and only girl was born. She was like an angel in the sky fell down to be a human. That time, her parents were so happy that they couldn't speak so often as possible. This good news spreads out the whole town. After spreading the good news, every single towns people visited this family an bring some gifts of this young lad. Fruits, clothing, baby accessories and other necessities that the family needed was being given to them.

Time, perseverance, and passion was given to her until she reach up into the highest degree of her education. As she studies, her parents still working for her to be able to reach her goal in life. This time they are living in a wonderful yet simple house where they can live together peacefully and calmly. They stick together as a strong and well stabilized family. As the time passes by, the girl have already graduate with flying colors. Her parents was so happy since then because of her achievements that she reached for them. After her graduation, she was hired by a well known multi-national company and start working of this company. As she work she strive for her betterment as a fresh graduate. Time flies as she work and focus on her career.

This time she is on her middle age but still working on her career. As she is working on the same company, he met a guy. This guy also was on her same age but a little bit older. They met in their office pantry where their food and some drinks are being kept. This guy was also single and still looking for a right girl for his life. All of the sudden they did not notice that love has been started to spark on them. still they waited for a long time until they really thought that they were met to be as partners in life. They were been married in such no time because the love was enhanced by their feelings. (This is what we called the true love;P).

They are getting old and they spend their whole life time together. One morning the old lady woke up, sitting on their porch thinking of something. She reminisces her past a young lad. She realize a lot of thing that happened in her beautiful and adventurous life. She realized that life is such a wonderful gift and no one can change this life. As she continues reminisces her past, she start crying. She remember the old days with her mother and father who taught her the beautiful things that she must learn as the time flies and flown by the ages. After that beautiful thought in her mind, her beloved husband woke up to join her. They reminisce their past time during their office days, during the courting session and the day that they get married.

the time was so fast, they could not imagine this. One day, the guy went to a doctor for his monthly check-up. After the check-up, the doctor said to the guy, "Sir, you have a problem with your prostate." the guy start asking the doctor, "Why this thing should happened to me? I do have a healthy living but why?". The doctor told to him "Sir, though that you have your healthy living, this is might in your genes." The guy started to cry and cry inside the clinic and the doctor comforted him. After the crying and weeping inside the clinic, the doctor gave him a medicine to reduce the pain and swelling oft his prostate. Before that, the guy ask the doctor "When should I tell this thing to my beloved wife?" in deep voice. The doctor said, "If you can ask her to see me I will tell her about you sickness." "Thank you doctor!"said the guy. The guy went to the house with his medicine. His wife ask him "What's that on you pocket?" The guy said "Ahmmm, just a vitamins for me" The guy went up to their room, keep his medicine in a safe place and went down to tell to his wife that the doctor wants to see her. Three days after the guys check-up, the girl went to see the doctor. As the girl finally enter the clinic, the doctor check her up and everything is fine and healthy. Before the doctor give her a vitamins, the doctor said to her "lady, do not be surprise to what I will tell you." The girl asked "Why doc, what is it?". The doctor spit his husband's problem. The girl was so shock about the news and she start weeping so loud inside the clinic. The girl went home with some hatred on her heart.

The girl arrived in their house, look for his husband. As she looks for his husband, she was so scared. Finally she found his husband. They talk for a long time and they start crying. The girl never knew that this will going to be happened in the near future. Time files and abruptly the guy reach to the point of this death. The guy died and girl became a widow. As the girl living alone on their beautiful and peaceful house, she was reminicsing the old they with his beloved husband. As she reminisce, she realize that life seems to be a good thing but sometimes it is unfair because of the hardships that every people should face. She also realize that Life is the most adorable and charming gift that our creator has been given. After reminisces everything that she experienced in her life, she went to sleep and on the morining of their wedding anniversary she was found sleeping peacefully in their humble bed.

Life seems to be the greatest and most ambigous thing that we have . Though there are a lot of hardships that we need to face but still we should not forget that life was so short and it is not belong to us. Make every single day of you life so precious whether it is good or bad. Life also is part of Love, Love is working if you really felt that thing in your heart.