Aug 18, 2009

service makes permanent

Fishers of Men

By: Needle Heart Uchia

After the congress, I and my other fellow sisters from my chapter and from Hamilton were being entrusted to our host for a night. As we arrived at our host’s house (tito Mel and Tita Lerma Ramos’ house), we just rest for a moment and a little chit-chat. As the chit-chat goes by Joy of Hamilton asked if we can introduce ourselves to our hosts. We do it starting with me, yours truly; though that I do have hoarse voice at that moment I still introduce myself to them. After the introduction, Tita Lerma Ramos as question to us that as of this moment I am still pondering on it because it’s a good reflection to me as a servant leader. The question was “Why did you decide to transfer YFL?”

Come to think of it, I don’t know what will be the proper answer to this question but there’s something in my heart telling me to continue my service. My heart told me you are the New Jonah that God was looking for. When my heart (I know that is God telling me that thing) told me that phrase and I start asking myself, Why me? Why I am the new Jonah? When he let me read the whole book of Jonah the minor prophet of the Old Testament, the whole book was the old me I turn back unto him do not so good vices; start being Emo thinking negative things in my life; and almost took my own life because of my earthly problems. When those things happened to me, I was being eaten by a big whale in my life. That big whale in my life was when I was being slain by a bad spirit. After that thing I made a vow to him as I had been called to be an anointed one to lead some people in my chapter way back in the Philippines.

Having a commitment or in other words service is not just being granted or for the sake of being chosen by other people to lead this people back to him. Being a Fisher of his Men is a great task for us who knows that we need to lead them. Like what Mr. Bo Sanchez said in his blog if we don`t serve we are not in heaven. In addition with that he also said to his bible that heaven and hell are just right here in our earth. If we do good things to our fellow brothers and sisters you are bringing heaven to their lives; in contrary, if you bringing bad things or doing bad things to them, you are bring hell to them. This means that being a fisher of God we should bring good things even though you are being hurt by others. If they smack you at your face give your whole body instead.

As we serve, we also get rewards. Not just earthly materials but heavenly rewards. As you do good things or serve him more you will receive abundance in your life but in other way around if you do bad things to your fellow brothers and sisters bad things will come back to you. Also as a leader we should not believe in luck, horoscope, or other superstitious things because you are God`s children not a children of superstition.

To end this thing up, just a small excerpt from a book that I`ve read after it`s movie fever. The phrase was being said by a vampire but it means to our service a lot here it is:

“And the LION fell in love with a LAMB”

As his servants, he is lamb and we are the lion who can be tame by him as we call him or even serve him.

“Lord, help us to be your faithful servant. Help us also to be your tame lion as we served you”